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Scripts > Overige > Mirc > mIRC Admin Script

mIRC Admin Script

Auteur: XenoX - 26 augustus 2004 - 13:48 - Gekeurd door: Dennisvb - Hits: 12801 - Aantal punten: 2.75 (2 stemmen)

Een mIRC admin script met de volgende functies:
- topic
- mode
- voice
- devoice
- op
- deop
- kick
- invite
- ban
- unban
- join
- part
- addad
- ad
- adduser
- deluser

Typ gewoon admin [command] en de bot zal het uitvoeren.

  1. ;;; Admin Script :: Made by XenoX
  2. ;;; Copyright Begin: July 2004
  3. ;;; Version: 1.0
  5. on *:TEXT:admin *:#: {
  6. if (!$exists(bot.users.txt)) {
  7. fopen -n bot.users bot.users.txt
  8. }
  10. if ($read(bot.users.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $NULL) {
  11. if ($2 == topic) {
  12. topic $chan $3-
  13. }
  14. elseif ($2 == mode) {
  15. mode $chan $3
  16. }
  17. elseif ($2 == voice) {
  18. mode $chan +v $3
  19. }
  20. elseif ($2 == devoice) {
  21. mode $chan -v $3
  22. }
  23. elseif ($2 == op) {
  24. mode $chan +o $3
  25. }
  26. elseif ($2 == deop) {
  27. mode $chan -o $3
  28. }
  29. elseif ($2 == kick) {
  30. if ($3 isop $chan) {
  31. notice $nick You can't kick $3 because he is an operator.
  32. }
  33. else {
  34. kick $chan $3 Kicked by: $nick
  35. }
  36. }
  37. elseif ($2 == invite) {
  38. invite $3 $chan
  39. }
  40. elseif ($2 == ban) {
  41. if ($3 isop $chan) {
  42. notice $nick You can't ban $3 because he is an operator.
  43. }
  44. else {
  45. ban -k $chan $3 2 Banned by: $nick
  46. }
  47. }
  48. elseif ($2 == unban) {
  49. ban -r $chan $3 2
  50. }
  51. elseif ($2 == join) {
  52. join $3
  53. }
  54. elseif ($2 == part) {
  55. part $3
  56. }
  57. elseif ($2 == addad) {
  58. set %bot.ad $3-
  59. notice $nick Ad added.
  60. }
  61. elseif ($2 == ad) {
  62. amsg %bot.ad
  63. }
  64. elseif ($2 == adduser) {
  65. if ($read(bot.users.txt, w, $address($3,2)) == $NULL) {
  66. write bot.users.txt $address($3,2)
  67. notice $nick Added user.
  68. }
  69. else {
  70. notice $nick That user allready exists.
  71. }
  72. }
  73. elseif ($2 == deluser) {
  74. if ($read(bot.users.txt, w, $address($3,2)) != $NULL) {
  75. write -ds $+ $ifmatch bot.users.txt
  76. notice $nick Deleted user.
  77. }
  78. else {
  79. notice $nick That user doesn't exist.
  80. }
  81. }
  82. else {
  83. notice $nick I don't have such command.
  84. }
  85. }
  86. else {
  87. notice $nick Who are you? Are you my admin?
  88. }
  89. }
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