Convert mac address
Auteur: Slipie - 10 mei 2006 - 10:27 - Gekeurd door: Rens - Hits: 3555 - Aantal punten: (0 stemmen)
Dit scriptje converteerd een mac adres van standaard formaat naar cisco formaat en visa versa.
Handig voor system administrators die veel tussen deze formaten moeten switchen.
Het is te gebruiken onder zowel linux/unix als windows.
Zet het scriptje in een file.
Run de file via je terminal en vul een mac in.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "Enter Mac: ";
#retrieve input
chomp(my $input = <STDIN>);
my $newmac;
#determine wich format the mac is
if ($input =~ /[A-f0-9]{2}:[A-f0-9]{2}:[A-f0-9]{2}:[A-f0-9]{2}:[A-f0-9]{2}:[A-f0-9]{2}/) {
#convert to cisco mac format
my @splitmac = split(/:/, $input);
$newmac = $splitmac[0].$splitmac[1].".".$splitmac[2].$splitmac[3].".".$splitmac[4].$splitmac[5];
print $newmac;
} elsif ($input =~ /[A-f0-9]{4}\.[A-f0-9]{4}\.[A-f0-9]{4}/) {
#convert to standard mac format
my @splitmac = split(/\./, $input);
foreach (@splitmac) {
my @macpieces;
my $start = 0;
push (@macpieces, substr($_, $start, 2));
$start = $start + 2;
push (@macpieces, substr($_, $start, 2));
foreach (@macpieces) {
$newmac = $newmac.":".$_;
$newmac = substr($newmac, 1);
print $newmac;
} else {
print "Format not recognized";
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#retrieve input
chomp( my $input = < STDIN> ) ;
my $newmac ;
#determine wich format the mac is
if ( $input = ~ / [ A- f0- 9 ] { 2 } : [ A- f0- 9 ] { 2 } : [ A- f0- 9 ] { 2 } : [ A- f0- 9 ] { 2 } : [ A- f0- 9 ] { 2 } : [ A- f0- 9 ] { 2 } / ) {
#convert to cisco mac format
@ splitmac
= split ( /:/, $input ) ; $newmac = $splitmac [ 0 ] . $splitmac [ 1 ] . "." . $splitmac [ 2 ] . $splitmac [ 3 ] . "." . $splitmac [ 4 ] . $splitmac [ 5 ] ;
} elsif ( $input = ~ / [ A- f0- 9 ] { 4 } \. [ A- f0- 9 ] { 4 } \. [ A- f0- 9 ] { 4 } / ) {
#convert to standard mac format
@ splitmac
= split ( / \
./, $input ) ; foreach ( @ splitmac) {
my @ macpieces;
my $start = 0 ;
( @ macpieces
, substr ( $_ , $start , 2 ) ) ; $start = $start + 2 ;
( @ macpieces
, substr ( $_ , $start , 2 ) ) ;
foreach ( @ macpieces) {
$newmac = $newmac . ":" . $_ ;
} else {
print "Format not recognized" ;
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