<script language="JavaScript">
function clock() {
// Declare the variables
var time = new Date()
var hours = time.getHours()
var minutes = time.getMinutes()
var seconds = time.getSeconds()
var ampm = ""
// The credits for your site
// This can be a welcome message or anything else
var credits = " - http://www.super-web.nl"
// Change it from military to standard
if (hours > 12) {
hours -= 12
hours = "0" + hours
ampm = "Uur"
} else {
hours = hours
ampm = "Uur"
// Add 0 to small seconds
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds
// Make the display
var display = hours + " : " + minutes + " : " + seconds + " " + ampm + credits
// Show it in the status bar
window.status = display
// Keep the script going
var startover = setTimeout("clock()",1000)
// Make sure the clock gets started
if (1) { var action = clock() }
<script language="JavaScript">
function clock() {
// Declare the variables
var hours
= time.getHours
() var minutes
= time.getMinutes
() var seconds
= time.getSeconds
() var ampm = ""
// The credits for your site
// This can be a welcome message or anything else
var credits = " - http://www.super-web.nl"
// Change it from military to standard
if (hours > 12) {
hours -= 12
hours = "0" + hours
ampm = "Uur"
} else {
hours = hours
ampm = "Uur"
// Add 0 to small seconds
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds
// Make the display
var display = hours + " : " + minutes + " : " + seconds + " " + ampm + credits
// Show it in the status bar
window.status = display
// Keep the script going
var startover = setTimeout("clock()",1000)
// Make sure the clock gets started
if (1) { var action = clock() }