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Scripts > PHP > Grote systemen > World Of Warcraft Ascent Manager

World Of Warcraft Ascent Manager

Auteur: Squid - 01 augustus 2008 - 09:14 - Gekeurd door: Stijn - Hits: 8868 - Aantal punten: 3.00 (1 stem)

Deze Portal, laat op uw World Of Warcraft Private system een hele systeem maken met gebruik van uw MySQL database.
Het enigste wat u hoeft te doen is het configureren van de config.php in de defs map, en het draaien van de SQL file in uw phpmyadmin.

  1. <?php
  2. //--------------------------------------------------------------- Database Settings -----------------------------------------------------------------//
  4. //---------- MySQL configuration ----------//
  5. $dbhost = "localhost"; //MySQL host name (usually localhost)
  6. $dbuser = "root"; //MySQL user name (usually root)
  7. $dbpass = "password"; //MySQL password (pass used for db access)
  8. $acct_db = "accounts"; //account database name
  9. $char_db = "characters"; //character database name
  10. $world_db = "world"; //world database name
  11. //-----------------------------------------//
  12. //---------- Game server configuration ----------//
  13. $ascent_rev = "core version"; //set ascent revision
  14. $db_rev = "database version"; //set database revision
  15. $server = "localhost"; //address of your game server(same as your realmlist.wtf [note:do not include the set realmlist part])
  16. $port = 8129; //server port
  17. //-----------------------------------------------//
  18. //---------- Backup configuration ----------//
  19. $backup_dir = "./backup"; //make sure webserver has permission to write/read it!
  20. //list of tables from account db that will be saved on backup
  21. $tables_backup_acct = Array(
  22. "accounts", "ipbans"
  23. );
  24. //list of tables in character db that will be saved on backup
  25. $tables_backup_char = Array(
  26. "account_data", "account_forced_permissions", "auctions", "characters", "charters", "gm_tickets", "guilds", "guild_bankitems",
  27. "guild_banklogs", "guild_banktabs", "guild_checkpoints", "guild_data", "guild_logs", "guild_ranks", "mailbox", "playercooldownitems",
  28. "playercooldownsecurity", "playeritems", "playerpets", "playerpetspells", "playersummonspells", "questlog", "social", "tutorials"
  29. );
  30. //------------------------------------------//
  32. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
  35. //--------------------------------------------------------------- Website Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------//
  37. //---------- Global Settings ----------//
  38. $url = "www.google.com/webam"; //address of your website plus path to webam (ex:www.google.com/webam)
  39. $realm_name = "realm name"; //set realm name
  40. $stats = false; //true = parsing main index page from ascents stats.xml dump
  41. $timezone = 'EST'; //set your timezone here (will be three cap. letters) ex: EST, UTC, PST, ...
  42. //-------------------------------------//
  43. //---------- Layout configuration ----------//
  44. $title = "display's title of page, for internet titling"; //page title
  45. $itemperpage = 15; //number of items to display per page
  46. //------------------------------------------//
  47. //---------- New account creation options ----------//
  48. $disable_acc_creation = false; //false = allow new accounts to be created
  49. $validate_mail_host = false; //false = do not use email validation for account creation
  50. $limit_acc_per_ip = false; //true = limit to one account per IP
  51. $enable_captcha = true; //false = no security image check (enable for protection against 'bot' registrations)
  52. //--------------------------------------------------//
  53. //---------- External Links ----------//
  54. $custom = "Links"; //title to display in header -->default set to links
  55. $link1 = ""; //format for links:<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://your.site.com/\">your site name</a>
  56. $link2 = ""; //insert your link where it says 'http://your.site.com', and your menu link name where it says 'your site name'
  57. $link3 = ""; //input links to external sites. forums, item/quest reference, add-ons, whatever you want --><--
  58. //------------------------------------//
  59. //---------- Mail configuration ----------//
  60. //php mail config
  61. $admin_mail = "email@domain.com"; //receiving email address
  62. $mailer_type = "smtp"; //("mail", "sendmail", "smtp")
  63. $from_mail = "email@localhost.com"; //all emails will be sent from this email
  64. //smtp mail config
  65. $smtp_host = "localhost"; //mailer host
  66. $smtp_port = 25; //mailer port
  67. $smtp_username = "mail@domain.com"; //mailer user name
  68. $smtp_password = "mailpassword"; //mailer password
  69. //----------------------------------------//
  70. //---------- override PHP error reporting ----------//
  71. $debug = true; //true will set error reporting to E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE
  72. //--------------------------------------------------//
  74. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
  76. ?>

Dit is hoe de config eruit ziet, ziet er normaal uit moet gewoon geconfigureerd worden door de WoW Private server beheerder, die weet wel wat te doen.
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