Mapstructuur weergeven
Auteur: Koen - 07 januari 2009 - 18:12 - Gekeurd door: Stijn - Hits: 4815 - Aantal punten: (0 stemmen)
Met behulp van deze functies kan je de mapstructuur van een bepaalde map in een array steken, en daarna eventueel weergeven in een overzichtelijke structuur.
(Werkt recursief)
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* Function viewDir()
* Create the array which will contain the list of all the directories/files in the specified directory.
* @author Koen <>
* @version 1.1
* @param string $sDir Name of the directory, eg: images
* @param array $aExclude array containing the elements to be excluded eg: array('.', '..')
* Return values:
* false on failure
* array containing the list of the directories/files.
* Function makeTree()
* Generates the treeview with the array created by "viewDir()"
* @author Koen <>
* @version 1.0
* @param array $aDir output of "viewDir()" function
* @param int $iCurrent current margin-left [optional, default: 0]
* Return values:
* false on failure
* ready-to-use treeview!
function viewDir($sDir, & $aExclude)
return false;
$aList = scandir($sDir);
$aReturn = array();
foreach($aList as $iKey => $sValue)
if(!in_array($sValue, $aExclude))
$aReturn[$sValue] = viewDir($sDir.'/'.$sValue, $aExclude);
} else
$aReturn[] = $sValue;
return $aReturn;
function makeTree($aDir, $iCurrent = 0)
$iExpandBy = 20;
$sReturn = '';
return false;
foreach($aDir as $iKey => $sValue)
$sCurrentPX = $iCurrent .'px';
$iNewCurrent = $iCurrent + $iExpandBy;
$sReturn .= '<span style="margin-left: '.$sCurrentPX.';">'.$iKey.'</span><br />'."\n";
$sReturn .= makeTree($sValue, $iNewCurrent);
} else
$sReturn .= '<span style="margin-left: '.$sCurrentPX.';">'.$sValue.'</span><br />'."\n";
return $sReturn;
// example of usage:
$aExclude = array('.', '..');
$aDir = viewDir('dir', $aExclude);
echo makeTree($aDir);
* Function viewDir()
* Create the array which will contain the list of all the directories/files in the specified directory.
* @author Koen <>
* @version 1.1
* @param string $sDir Name of the directory, eg: images
* @param array $aExclude array containing the elements to be excluded eg: array('.', '..')
* Return values:
* false on failure
* array containing the list of the directories/files.
* Function makeTree()
* Generates the treeview with the array created by "viewDir()"
* @author Koen <>
* @version 1.0
* @param array $aDir output of "viewDir()" function
* @param int $iCurrent current margin-left [optional, default: 0]
* Return values:
* false on failure
* ready-to-use treeview!
function viewDir( $sDir , & $aExclude )
return false ;
$aList = scandir( $sDir ) ;
foreach ( $aList as $iKey => $sValue )
$aReturn [ $sValue ] = viewDir( $sDir . '/' . $sValue , $aExclude ) ;
} else
$aReturn [ ] = $sValue ;
return $aReturn ;
function makeTree( $aDir , $iCurrent = 0 )
$iExpandBy = 20 ;
$sReturn = '' ;
return false ;
foreach ( $aDir as $iKey => $sValue )
$sCurrentPX = $iCurrent . 'px' ;
$iNewCurrent = $iCurrent + $iExpandBy ;
$sReturn .= '<span style="margin-left: ' . $sCurrentPX . ';">' . $iKey . '</span><br />' . "\n " ;
$sReturn .= makeTree( $sValue , $iNewCurrent ) ;
} else
$sReturn .= '<span style="margin-left: ' . $sCurrentPX . ';">' . $sValue . '</span><br />' . "\n " ;
return $sReturn ;
// example of usage:
$aExclude = array ( '.' , '..' ) ; $aDir = viewDir( 'dir' , $aExclude ) ;
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