//start sessions
//there are 3 phases in this script: domain check phase (1), input phase (2) and finish phase (3) - if no phase set, set phase to 1
If (!isset($_SESSION['phase'])) { $_SESSION['phase'] = 1;
//if form has been submitted and phase = 1
If (($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') AND ($_SESSION['phase'] == 1)) {
$_SESSION['domain'] = $_POST['domain']; //get posted value
$send = 1; //form has been send
$whois = file_get_contents("http://nl.ae/domainapi/whois.php?domain=".$_SESSION['domain']); //check whether the domain is available, returns 1 or 0 If ($whois) { //$whois is 1, so the domain is still available, go to phase 2 to let user fill in details
$_SESSION['phase'] = 2;
ElseIf ($whois == 0) { //the domain is unavailable for registration
$domain_error = "Sorry, ".$_SESSION['domain'].".nl.ae is unavailable for registration, please choose an other domain.";
Else { //this should not happen - maybe your server is running PHP on safe mode (or file_get_contents is otherwise disabled)?
$domain_error = "An unknown error occured during registration, please try again later. Please contact the server admin if this problem persists.";
ElseIf (($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') AND ($_SESSION['phase'] == 2)) { //if form has been submitted and phase = 2
//store all posted values in sessions so we can use them again if needed
$_SESSION['url'] = $_POST['url'];
$_SESSION['email'] = $_POST['email'];
$_SESSION['category'] = $_POST['category'];
$_SESSION['title'] = $_POST['title'];
$_SESSION['description'] = $_POST['description'];
$_SESSION['keywords'] = $_POST['keywords'];
$_SESSION['favicon'] = $_POST['favicon'];
$_SESSION['language'] = $_POST['language'];
$_SESSION['revisit'] = $_POST['revisit'];
$_SESSION['robots'] = $_POST['robots'];
$send = 1; //form has been send
//send request to nl.ae server and receive answer in $domapi
$domapi = file_get_contents("http://nl.ae/domainapi/register.php?id=".$_SESSION['apiid']."&captcha=".$_POST['captcha']."&domain=".$_SESSION['domain']."&url=".$_SESSION['url']."&email=".$_SESSION['email']."&category=".$_SESSION['category']."&title=".$_SESSION['title']."&description=".$_SESSION['description']."&keywords=".$_SESSION['keywords']."&favicon=".$_SESSION['favicon']."&language=".$_SESSION['language']."&revisit=".$_SESSION['revisit']."&robots=".$_SESSION['robots']); If ($domapi == 1) { //everything went alright, domain registered -> phase 3
$_SESSION['phase'] = 3;
ElseIf ($domapi == 0) { //ID was not given (you must have made a mistake in your script)
$domain_error = "Webmaster has forgotten to use the Anti-Bot CAPTCHA ID correctly, please contact the admin of this website.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -1) { //no CAPTCHA was given by user
$domain_error = "Please type over the code in the Anti-Bot CAPTCHA image to the inputfield.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -2) { //invalid CAPTCHA
$domain_error = "You haven't typed over the Anti-Bot CAPTCHA code correcly, please try again.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -3) { //invalid or empty domain given
$domain_error = "Please enter a valid domain.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -4) { //domain is unavailable for registration
$domain_error = "This domain is unavailable for registration, please choose an other domain.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -5) { //invalid URL
$domain_error = "Please enter a valid URL starting with http://, https://, www., callto://, callto:, mailto://, mailto: or irc://. It must have less then 2048 characters.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -6) { //invalid e-mail address
$domain_error = "Please fill in a valid e-mail address. You need it to activate your domain.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -7) { //invalid category
$domain_error = "Please choose a valid category for your domain.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -8) { //invalid title
$domain_error = "You have entered an invalid title. It must have more then 2 and less then 100 characters.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -9) { //invalid description
$domain_error = "You have entered an invalid description. It may not have more then 150 characters.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -10) { //invalid keywords
$domain_error = "You have entered invalid keywords. You may not enter more then 380 characters.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -11) { //invalid favicon
$domain_error = "You have entered an invalid favicon path. It must start with http:// or https://. It must end with .ico and may not contain more then 500 characters.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -12) { //invalid language
$domain_error = "You have entered an invalid language. It may not contain more then 50 characters.";
ElseIf ($domapi == -13) { //invalid revisit
$domain_error = "You have entered an invalid revisit value. It may not be less then 3 or more then 999. Enter a 0 or leave this field blank to let search engines decide (recommended).";
ElseIf ($domapi == -14) { //invalid robots
$domain_error = "You have entered an invalid robots value. It may not have more then 50 characters.";
Else { //this should not happen - maybe your server is running PHP on safe mode (or file_get_contents is otherwise disabled)?
$domain_error = "An unknown error has occured, please try again later.";
<h2>nl.ae domain registration example script</h2>
<?php If ($_SESSION['phase'] == 1) { //if phase 1 show domain whois form ?>
<form method="post" action="
<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
If((isset($send)) AND
($send == 1)) { If(isset($domain_error)) { echo "<p style='color: red;'>".$domain_error."</p>"; }
<p>www.<input type="text" maxlength="50" size="20" id="domain" name="domain" value="domain" />.nl.ae</p>
<input class="button" type="submit" value="check!" />
<?php } ElseIf ($_SESSION['phase'] == 2) { //if phase 2 show domain information input form
$_SESSION['apiid'] = file_get_contents("http://nl.ae/domainapi/reqid.php"); //identify with nl.ae server, used for CAPTCHA below ?> <p>Congratulations, this domain is still available for registration. Please fill in the details below.</p>
<form method="post" action="
<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
If((isset($send)) AND
($send == 1)) { If(isset($domain_error)) { echo "<p style='color: red;'>".$domain_error."</p>"; }
<p><b>Required Fields (these must be filled in)</b><br />
Domain: www.
<?php echo $_SESSION['domain']; ?>.nl.ae<br />
Redirect URL: <input type="text" id="url" name="url" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['url'])) { echo $_SESSION['url']; } else { echo "http://"; } ?>" /><br />
E-mail address: <input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['email'])) { echo $_SESSION['email']; } else { echo "email@address.com"; } ?>" /><br />
Category: <select id="category" name="category">
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "none")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="none">Choose --></option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "blogs")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="blogs">Blogs</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "business")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="business">Business</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "computers")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="computers">Computers and Internet</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "education")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="education">Education</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "entertainement")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="entertainement">Entertainement</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "games")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="games">Games</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "health")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="health">Health</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "literature")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="literature">Literature and Culture</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "miscelaneous")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="miscelaneous">Miscelaneous</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "multimedia")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="multimedia">Multimedia</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "religion")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="religion">Religion</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "science")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="science">Science</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "society")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="society">Society</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "sport")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="sport">Sport</option>
<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['category'])) AND
($_SESSION['category'] == "teen")) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value="teen">Teen</option>
</select><br /></p>
<p><b>Optional Fields (these can be left empty)</b><br />
Domain title: <input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['title'])) { echo $_SESSION['title']; } else { echo "Welcome to my site!"; } ?>" /><br />
Description: <input type="text" id="description" name="description" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['description'])) { echo $_SESSION['description']; } ?>" /><br />
Keywords: <input type="text" id="keywords" name="keywords" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['keywords'])) { echo $_SESSION['keywords']; } ?>" /><br />
Favicon: <input type="text" id="favicon" name="favicon" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['favicon'])) { echo $_SESSION['favicon']; } else { echo "http://nl.ae/images/favicon.ico"; } ?>" /><br />
Language: <input type="text" id="language" name="language" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['language'])) { echo $_SESSION['language']; } ?>" /><br />
Revisit: <input type="text" id="revisit" name="revisit" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['revisit'])) { echo $_SESSION['revisit']; } else { echo 0; } ?>" /> days<br />
Robots: <input type="text" id="robots" name="robots" value="
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['robots'])) { echo $_SESSION['robots']; } else { echo "index, follow"; } ?>" /></p>
<p><b>Anti-Bot Verification</b><br />
Please copy the code shown in the image to the inputfield below.<br />
<img src="http://nl.ae/domainapi/captcha.php?id=
<?php echo $_SESSION['apiid']; // the ID received earlier this session (see above)?>" title="Please copy the code shown in the image to the inputfield below." /><br />
<input type="text" id="captcha" name="captcha" value="" />
<input class="button" type="submit" value="register domain!" />
<?php } ElseIf ($_SESSION['phase'] == 3) { //if phase 3 show confirmation page
$_SESSION['phase'] = 1; //reset phase to 1 so user can register a new domain on refresh ?>
<p>Congratulations! Your domain has been registered succesfully. Please login at <a href="http://www.login.nl.ae">www.login.nl.ae</a> using the account information send to your e-mail address to activate your domain. Your domain will be automatically removed if it is not activated within 7 days. We thus recommend you to activate it immediately.</p><p><a href="
<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">Register another domain!</a></p>
<?php } ?>