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Links > Software > Nero 8 burning - Free nero download Rapporteer dit aan de crew

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Titel: Nero 8 burning - Free nero download
Website: http://www.sitemasters.be/downloads/nero.htm
Hits: 13109
Gepost door: Joel

Aantal punten:  (5)
Aantal stemmen: 3
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Ahead Nero has been a best selling multimedia suite for several years. This new version gives you access to even more freatures! Enjoy the digital world on your own PC. These features include creating mp3 mixes, editing high-definition video and sharing them over the internet!

Version 8 also adds better support for Windows Vista, Blu-ray recording and playback and HD-DVD recording and playback. The graphical interface has also been improved, one-click functions with Nero SmartStart.

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