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Engelse puzzel

Offline Dennisvb - 08/09/2004 22:05
Avatar van DennisvbMySQL ver gevorderde Van mijn lerares een 3e klas puzzel gehad:

CENSUS (iemand die aantal inwoners van America telt)

A census taker calle at a man's house and said, "what are the ages of your 3 daughters?"
The man said "if you multiply their ages together it equals 72 and if you add them it equals your door number". The census taker said "Well if you cannot give me further information I still don't know".

The man said "Well, my eldest daughter has a dog with a wooden leg".

The census taker said, "I know now".

What were their ages?

Ik snap hem niet!!! (ook al is de puzzel voor de lol, kijken of jullie hemwel snappen

1 antwoord

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Offline MothZone - 08/09/2004 22:17
Avatar van MothZone PHP ver gevorderde Heb met mn rekenmachine wel wat uitkomsten:

8, 3 en 3
6, 6 en 2
9, 4 en 2
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