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Navigatie-script error

Offline Metalhead - 21/09/2004 16:54 (laatste wijziging 21/09/2004 16:58)
Avatar van MetalheadHTML gevorderde Ik heb getracht het navigatie-script in mijn site te verwerken, maar om één of andere reden werkt het niet... Hij geeft geen error, maar hij doet ook niet wat hij zou moeten doen...

Dit is de code van mijn menu:
  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  2. <HTML>
  3. <HEAD>
  4. <TITLE>DORserv test</TITLE>
  5. <LINK rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
  6. <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
  7. var stayFolded=false;
  8. var n = (document.layers) ? 1:0;
  9. var ie = (document.all) ? 1:0;
  10. var browser=((n || ie) && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4);
  12. function makeMenu(obj,nest)
  13. {
  14. nest=(!nest) ? '':'document.'+nest+'.'
  15. this.css=(n) ? eval(nest+'document.'+obj):eval('document.all.'+obj+'.style')
  16. this.ref=(n) ? eval(nest+'document.'+obj+'.document'):eval('document');
  17. this.height=n?this.ref.height:eval(obj+'.offsetHeight')
  18. this.x=(n)? this.css.left:this.css.pixelLeft;this.y=(n)? this.css.top:this.css.pixelTop;
  19. this.hideIt=b_hideIt;
  20. this.showIt=b_showIt;
  21. this.vis=b_vis;
  22. this.moveIt=b_moveIt;
  23. return this;
  24. }
  25. function b_showIt()
  26. {
  27. this.css.visibility="visible"
  28. }
  29. function b_hideIt()
  30. {
  31. this.css.visibility="hidden"
  32. }
  33. function b_vis()
  34. {
  35. if (this.css.visibility=="hidden" || this.css.visibility=="hide")
  36. return true;
  37. }
  38. function b_moveIt(x,y)
  39. {
  40. this.x=x;
  41. this.y=y;
  42. this.css.left=this.x;
  43. this.css.top=this.y;
  44. }
  46. function init()
  47. {
  48. oTop=new Array()
  49. oTop[0]=new makeMenu('DIVTop1','DIVCont')
  50. oTop[1]=new makeMenu('DIVTop2','DIVCont')
  51. oTop[2]=new makeMenu('DIVTop3','DIVCont')
  52. oTop[3]=new makeMenu('DIVTop4','DIVCont')
  53. oTop[4]=new makeMenu('DIVTop5','DIVCont')
  54. oTop[5]=new makeMenu('DIVTop6','DIVCont')
  55. oSub=new Array()
  56. oSub[0]=new makeMenu('DIVSub1','DIVCont.document.DIVTop1')
  57. oSub[1]=new makeMenu('DIVSub2','DIVCont.document.DIVTop2')
  58. oSub[2]=new makeMenu('DIVSub3','DIVCont.document.DIVTop3')
  59. oSub[3]=new makeMenu('DIVSub4','DIVCont.document.DIVTop4')
  60. oSub[4]=new makeMenu('DIVSub5','DIVCont.document.DIVTop5')
  61. oSub[5]=new makeMenu('DIVSub6','DIVCont.document.DIVTop6')
  62. for(i=0;i<oSub.length;i++)
  63. {
  64. oSub[i].hideIt()
  65. }
  66. for(i=1;i<oTop.length;i++)
  67. {
  68. oTop[i].moveIt(0,oTop[i-1].y+oTop[i-1].height)
  69. }
  70. }
  72. function menu(num)
  73. {
  74. if(browser)
  75. {
  76. if(!stayFolded)
  77. {
  78. for(i=0;i<oSub.length;i++)
  79. {
  80. if(i!=num) oSub[i].hideIt()
  81. }
  82. for(i=1;i<oTop.length;i++)
  83. {
  84. oTop[i].moveIt(0,oTop[i-1].y+oTop[i-1].height)
  85. }
  86. }
  87. oSub[num].vis()?oSub[num].showIt():oSub[num].hideIt()
  88. for(i=1;i<oTop.length;i++)
  89. {
  90. if(!oSub[i-1].vis()) oTop[i].moveIt(0,oTop[i-1].y+oTop[i-1].height+oSub[i-1].height)
  91. else oTop[i].moveIt(0,oTop[i-1].y+oTop[i-1].height)
  92. }
  93. }
  94. }
  95. if(browser)
  96. onload=init();
  97. </SCRIPT>
  98. </HEAD>
  99. <BODY>
  100. <TABLE width="100%" height="100%" border="4" summary="menu" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
  101. <TR width="100%" height="100%" align="left" valign="top">
  102. <TD width="100%" class="Style3">
  103. <B>Menu</B><BR><BR>
  104. <DIV id="DIVCont">
  105. <DIV id="DIVTop1" class="clTop">
  106. <A href="" onClick="menu(0); return false">Selection options</A><BR>
  107. <DIV id="DIVSub1" class="clSub">
  108. <A href="">Database selection</A><BR>
  109. <A href="">Data set selection</A><BR>
  110. <A href="">Material selection</A><BR>
  111. </DIV>
  112. <BR>
  113. </DIV>
  114. <DIV id="DIVTop2" class="clTop">
  115. <A href="" onClick="menu(1); return false" class="clMain">Material search options</A><BR>
  116. <DIV id="DIVSub2" class="clSub">
  117. <A href="" class="clSubb">-Sublink 1</A><BR>
  118. <A href="" class="clSubb">-Sublink 2</A><BR>
  119. </DIV>
  120. <BR>
  121. </DIV>
  122. <DIV id="DIVTop3" class="clTop">
  123. <A href="" onClick="menu(2); return false" class="clMain">Data input/modification</A><BR>
  124. <DIV id="DIVSub3" class="clSub">
  125. <A href="" class="clSubb">-Sublink 1</A><BR>
  126. <A href="" class="clSubb">-Sublink 2</A><BR>
  127. </DIV>
  128. <BR>
  129. </DIV>
  130. <DIV id="DIVTop4" class="clTop">
  131. <A href="" onClick="menu(3); return false" class="clMain">Data print and report</A><BR>
  132. <DIV id="DIVSub4" class="clSub">
  133. <A href="" class="clSubb">2D plots</A><BR>
  134. <A href="" class="clSubb">Word/Excel outputs</A><BR>
  135. </DIV>
  136. <BR>
  137. </DIV>
  138. <DIV id="DIVTop5" class="clTop">
  139. <A href="" onClick="menu(4); return false" class="clMain">Database administration</A><BR>
  140. <DIV id="DIVSub5" class="clSub">
  141. <A href="" class="clSubb">Backup</A><BR>
  142. <A href="" class="clSubb">Restore</A><BR>
  143. </DIV>
  144. <BR>
  145. </DIV>
  146. <DIV id="DIVTop6" class="clTop">
  147. <A href="" onClick="menu(5); return false" class="clMain">Data set manipulation</A><BR>
  148. <DIV id="DIVSub6" class="clSub">
  149. <A href="" class="clSubb">Merge</A><BR>
  150. <A href="" class="clSubb">Split data sets</A><BR>
  151. <A href="" class="clSubb">Unit conversion</A><BR>
  152. </DIV>
  153. <BR>
  154. </DIV>
  155. </DIV>
  156. </TD>
  157. </TR>
  158. </TABLE>
  159. </BODY>
  160. </HTML>

4 antwoorden

Gesponsorde links
Offline infinity - 21/09/2004 20:08
Avatar van infinity Gouden medaille

Grafische gevorderde
wat voor n error geeft ie dan?
Offline Scott - 21/09/2004 22:07
Avatar van Scott Gouden medaille

PHP ver gevorderde
Hij zegt jhuist dat hij geen error krijgt ;)
Offline Metalhead - 22/09/2004 12:00
Avatar van Metalhead HTML gevorderde Ik krijg het menu gewoon helemaal uitgeklapt te zien,
dus er wordt niks ge-hide....
Offline Insane - 22/09/2004 15:13
Avatar van Insane Onbekend
  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1043{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 \line \line \line \line \line \line \line \line \line \line \line Menu
  3. \line
  4. \line
  5. \line Selection options
  6. \line
  7. \line Database selection
  8. \line Data set selection
  9. \line Material selection
  10. \line
  11. \line
  12. \line
  13. \line
  14. \line Material search options
  15. \line
  16. \line -Sublink 1
  17. \line -Sublink 2
  18. \line
  19. \line
  20. \line
  21. \line
  22. \line Data input/modification
  23. \line
  24. \line -Sublink 1
  25. \line -Sublink 2
  26. \line
  27. \line
  28. \line
  29. \line
  30. \line Data print and report
  31. \line
  32. \line 2D plots
  33. \line Word/Excel outputs
  34. \line
  35. \line
  36. \line
  37. \line
  38. \line Database administration
  39. \line
  40. \line Backup
  41. \line Restore
  42. \line
  43. \line
  44. \line
  45. \line
  46. \line Data set manipulation
  47. \line
  48. \line Merge
  49. \line Split data sets
  50. \line Unit conversion
  51. \line
  52. \line
  53. \line
  54. \line
  55. \line \line
  56. \line \line \line \par \f1\fs20\par }

dit staat er dan...bij mij tenminste:o
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