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Weet iemand toevallig hoe ik in moontools met id's kan werken.
<a id="reply_window_open_<?php echo $Bid; ?>" onclick="reply_window('<?php echo $Bid; ?>', 'show');"><img border="0" src="images/buttons/bt_reply.gif" width="61" height="15" alt="REPLY"/></a>
Bij Fx.Slide('reply_window_227') Moet het is komen te staan wat in de link bij reply_window_open word gegeven.
En ook bij reply button.
window.addEvent('domready',function() {
var myVerticalSlide = new Fx.Slide('reply_window_227').hide();
$('reply_button').addEvent('click', function(e){
$('reply_button').addEvent('click', function(e){
// When Vertical Slide ends its transition, we check for its status
// note that complete will not affect 'hide' and 'show' methods
myVerticalSlide.addEvent('complete', function() {
$('vertical_status').set('html', status[]);
<a id="reply_window_open_ <?php echo $Bid; ?>" onclick="reply_window(' <?php echo $Bid; ?>', 'show');"><img border="0" src="images/buttons/bt_reply.gif" width="61" height="15" alt="REPLY"/></a> ?> Bij Fx.Slide('reply_window_227') Moet het is komen te staan wat in de link bij reply_window_open word gegeven. En ook bij reply button. window.addEvent('domready',function() { //-vertical var myVerticalSlide = new Fx.Slide('reply_window_227').hide(); $('reply_button').addEvent('click', function(e){ e.stop(); myVerticalSlide.slideOut(); }); $('reply_button').addEvent('click', function(e){ e.stop(); myVerticalSlide.slideIn(); }); // When Vertical Slide ends its transition, we check for its status // note that complete will not affect 'hide' and 'show' methods myVerticalSlide.addEvent('complete', function() { $('vertical_status').set('html', status[]); }); });