PHP gevorderde |
Weet iemand welk script hier gebruikt word??
als je kiezen neemt en alfabetisch en bvb a
en je beweegd je muis over een parknaam krijg je een window met info erin, ik dacht eerst dat het een functie was uit de DHTML-suite maar vind deze niet direct iemand en idee waar ik het kan downloaden.
dit heb ik uit de bron
// For Detail panel and arrow placement when you mouseover an element using showDetailPanelByMouseLocation()
dpTopOffset = 30; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel this many pixels ABOVE the pointer
dpTopOffsetAlt = 335; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel this many pixels ABOVE the pointer (if off screen)
dpLeftOffset = 440; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel this many pixels to the LEFT of the pointer
dpLeftDefault = 180; // on mouseover detailPanel, this is the LEFT value of the panel (used as a reset when moved)
dpTopDefault = -20; // on mouseover detailPanel, this is the TOP value of the panel (used as a reset when moved)
dpaTopOffset = 20; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel arrow this many pixels ABOVE the pointer
dpaLeftOffset = 255; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel arrow this many pixels to the LEFT of the pointer
dpaLeftDefault = 368; // on mouseover detailPanel arrow, this is the LEFT value of the panel (used as a reset when moved)
// For Detail panel and arrow placement when you mouseover an element using showDetailPanelByMouseLocation() dpTopOffset = 30; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel this many pixels ABOVE the pointer dpTopOffsetAlt = 335; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel this many pixels ABOVE the pointer (if off screen) dpLeftOffset = 440; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel this many pixels to the LEFT of the pointer dpLeftDefault = 180; // on mouseover detailPanel, this is the LEFT value of the panel (used as a reset when moved) dpTopDefault = -20; // on mouseover detailPanel, this is the TOP value of the panel (used as a reset when moved) dpaTopOffset = 20; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel arrow this many pixels ABOVE the pointer dpaLeftOffset = 255; // on mouseover detailPanel, show detailPanel arrow this many pixels to the LEFT of the pointer dpaLeftDefault = 368; // on mouseover detailPanel arrow, this is the LEFT value of the panel (used as a reset when moved)