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Widow Resizen en het wit rondom weg.

Offline RickBouman - 05/05/2007 13:54
Avatar van RickBoumanNieuw lid Hallo Sitemasters,

Is er een javascript dat een link maakt die de volgende widow resized, de scrollbar weghaald, zorgt dat er niks wits meer rondom de player is, zoals bij elk radiostation eigenlijk?

daar moet de link komen.
dat is het bestand van de player dat 350x210 pixels moet worden.

Wie kan mij helpen^^ ?
Alvast bedankt.

3 antwoorden

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Offline JBke - 05/05/2007 13:58 (laatste wijziging 05/05/2007 14:00)
Avatar van JBke PHP gevorderde is wel in het engels heb copy paste gebruikt.

open("URLname","Windowname",["options"]) - A new window is opened with the name specified by the second parameter. The document specified by the first parameter is loaded. The options are not required, and may be set to values of yes or now as in the below example. Many options are set to default values depending on whether others are set. For example, if the width and height are specified, the resizable option is set as default to no. Also if the toolbar is off, the menubar is set to default of no. The options are:

* alwaysRaised - If yes, the created window is raised.
* directories - The value of yes or no determines if the window shows directory buttons or not.
* height - Specifies the window height in pixels. This is set to an integer value, rather than yes or no.
* left - Specifies the distance in pixels the new window will be placed from the left side of the screen. This is set to an integer value, rather than yes or no.
* location - The value of yes or no determines if the window has a location displayed on the address line (or has an address line) or not.
* menubar - The value of yes or no determines if the window has a menubar or not.
* outerWidth - Specifies the outer window width in pixels. This is set to an integer value, rather than yes or no.
* outerHeight - Specifies the outer window height in pixels. This is set to an integer value, rather than yes or no.
* resizable - The value of yes or no determines if the window can be resized by the user or not
* status - The value of yes or no determines if the window has a status bar or not.
* scrollbars - The value of yes or no determines if the window has scroll bars or not.
* toolbar - The value of yes or no determines if the window has a toolbar or not.
* top - Specifies the distance in pixels the new window will be placed from the top of the screen. This is set to an integer value, rather than yes or no.
* width - Specifies the window width in pixels. This is set to an integer value, rather than yes or no.
* z-lock - If yes, the created window is in the background.


<script language="JavaScript">
open("javahere.html","test", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,width=200,height=200,resizable=yes")

voor meer info: http://www.comp...indow.html
Offline RickBouman - 05/05/2007 14:09
Avatar van RickBouman Nieuw lid Okay, ik snap het niet echt,
Ik wil dat je op http://trackit.rickbouman.nl op de link: Open Player kan klikken, en dat die dan geresized opent zonder border enzo.
Offline JBke - 05/05/2007 15:12 (laatste wijziging 05/05/2007 23:46)
Avatar van JBke PHP gevorderde gewoon toepassen wat hierboven staat he

dus de link die je opend voor de player aanpassen met

  1. <script language="JavaScript">
  2. open("jefilmpagina.html","test", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,width=200,height=200,resizable=yes"
  3. )
  4. </script>

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