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als je iets over mysql zoekt, kan je eventjes kijken op de website van mysql... daar vind je informatie over de functies in mysql.
dit is pure mysql (ik weet niet of het in andere sql vormen ook bestaat, aangezien je niet specifieerde)
Returns the argument X, rounded to the nearest integer. With two arguments, returns X rounded to D decimals. If D is negative, the integer part of the number is zeroed out.
mysql> SELECT ROUND(-1.23);
-> -1
mysql> SELECT ROUND(-1.58);
-> -2
mysql> SELECT ROUND(1.58);
-> 2
mysql> SELECT ROUND(1.298, 1);
-> 1.3
mysql> SELECT ROUND(1.298, 0);
-> 1
mysql> SELECT ROUND(23.298, -1);
-> 20
Note that the behavior of ROUND() when the argument is halfway between two integers depends on the C library implementation. Different implementations round to the nearest even number, always up, always down, or always toward zero. If you need one kind of rounding, you should use a well-defined function such as TRUNCATE() or FLOOR() instead.
[edit] Christiaan, jamaar ik was nog aan het zoeken! ziehier het beter antwoord:
Returns the number X, truncated to D decimals. If D is 0, the result will have no decimal point or fractional part. If D is negative, the integer part of the number is zeroed out.
mysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(1.223,1);
-> 1.2
mysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(1.999,1);
-> 1.9
mysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(1.999,0);
-> 1
mysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(-1.999,1);
-> -1.9
mysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(122,-2);
-> 100
Starting from MySQL 3.23.51, all numbers are rounded toward zero. Note that decimal numbers are normally not stored as exact numbers in computers, but as double-precision values, so you may be surprised by the following result:
mysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(10.28*100,0);
-> 1027
This happens because 10.28 is actually stored as something like 10.2799999999999999.
[/edit] |