Crew algemeen |
Hallo iedereen,
Ik heb een klein probleempje. Voor mijn Counter-strike's gaming community Robowars ( ben ik een admin pagina aan het maken. Hier worden alle admin's op getoond. Dit is een uitbrijding op de banlist ( De SQL heb ik (uiteraard) wat aangepast naar mijn zin, en de scripts zijn ook wat veranderd. Alles werkt, behalve dit script.
Er wordt gebruikt gemaakt van de Smarty ( temlate engine.
view_admins.php (
// Require basic site files
if ($config->error_handler == "enabled") {
$db_conn = mysql_connect($config->db_host, $config->db_user, $config->db_pass) OR die("Couldn't connect to database");
mysql_select_db($config->db_name, $db_conn) OR die("Database not found!");
$admins = NULL; // Remove the admins var
$adminrank = array(
"1" => "RoboWars HEAD Admin",
"2" => "RoboWars Public Admin",
"3" => "RoboWars Trial Admin"
$query = mysql_query("SELECT username, level FROM $config->webadmins") OR die(mysql_error());
while ($admin = mysql_fetch_object($query) OR die(mysql_error())) {
$admins .= "<tr><td width=\"50%\">".$admin->username."</td><td width=\"50%\">".$adminrank[$admin->level]."</td></tr>";
// Count the admins ($n_admins)
$n_admins = @mysql_num_rows($query);
// Template parsing
$title = "View Admins";
// Section
$section = "";
$smarty = new dynamicPage;
<?php /* view_admins.php By GDX^ RoboWars */ // Require basic site files require("include/"); if ($config->error_handler == "enabled") { include("$config->error_handler_path"); } //require("$config->path_root/include/"); $db_conn = mysql_connect($config->db_host, $config->db_user, $config->db_pass) OR die("Couldn't connect to database"); $admins = NULL; // Remove the admins var "1" => "RoboWars HEAD Admin", "2" => "RoboWars Public Admin", "3" => "RoboWars Trial Admin" ); $admins .= "<tr><td width=\"50%\">".$admin->username."</td><td width=\"50%\">".$adminrank[$admin->level]."</td></tr>"; } // Count the admins ($n_admins) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Template parsing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $title = "View Admins"; // Section $section = ""; $smarty = new dynamicPage; $smarty->assign("meta",""); $smarty->assign("title",$title); $smarty->assign("section",$section); $smarty->assign("dir",$config->document_root); $smarty->assign("n_admins",$n_admins); $smarty->assign("admins",$admins); $smarty->display('main_header.tpl'); $smarty->display('view_admins.tpl'); $smarty->display('main_footer.tpl'); ?>
<table cellspacing='1' class='listtable' width='100%'>
<td height='16' colspan='4' class='listtable_top'><b>Prune Database</b></td>
<tr bgcolor="#D3D8DC">
<td height='16' width='30%' class='listtable_1'>Admins: {$n_admins}</td>
<td height='16' width='60%' class='listtable_1'> </td>
<td height='16' width='10%' class='listtable_1' align='right' colspan='2'> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#D3D8DC">
<td height='16' width='100%' class='listtable_1' colspan='4'><br>
<b>Current admins:</b><br>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="50%">Admin name</td>
<td width="50%">Status: (Head/Public/Trial)</td>
<table cellspacing='1' class='listtable' width='100%'> <tr> <td height='16' colspan='4' class='listtable_top'><b>Prune Database</b></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#D3D8DC"> <td height='16' width='30%' class='listtable_1'>Admins: {$n_admins}</td> <td height='16' width='60%' class='listtable_1'> </td> <td height='16' width='10%' class='listtable_1' align='right' colspan='2'> </td> </tr> </form> <tr bgcolor="#D3D8DC"> <td height='16' width='100%' class='listtable_1' colspan='4'><br> <b>Current admins:</b><br> <br> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="50%">Admin name</td> <td width="50%">Status: (Head/Public/Trial)</td> </tr> {$admins} </table> <br> <br> </td> </tr> </table>
config klopt volledig (anders zou de rest ook niet werken).
Wim Mariën