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Ik heb n.a.v. een tutorial dit stukje script erbij gezet in de httpd.conf. Wel in het goeie bestand volgens mij onder de directory Apache2\conf\
Moet ik misschien ergens nog iets anders doen, bijvoorbeeld bij mijn systeemvariabelen een "path" toevoegen?
Define Virtual Host Settings
To make it easier to access the application, it’s a good idea to define a new virtual Web host
and point it to the application’s public directory. This is an optional but recommended step,
as it helps simulate a “live” environment and presents application resources (URLs) as they
would appear to users in a public environment.
Assuming you’re using the Apache Web server, you can set up a named virtual host for
the application by editing the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf or httpd-vhosts.conf) and
adding the following lines to it:
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/square/public"
ServerName square.localhost
These lines define a new virtual host, http://square.localhost/, whose document root
corresponds to the $APP_DIR/public/ directory. Restart the Web server to activate these new
settings. Note that if you’re on a network, it might be necessary to update your network’s local
DNS server to let it know about the new host as well. |