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Hulp nodig bij website, links lijken verdwenen in safari browser

Offline wouterdeboec - 10/01/2017 20:24 (laatste wijziging 11/01/2017 00:55)
Avatar van wouterdeboecNieuw lid Hello, I am looking for some help on a website I put together. I am a novice and am not really good at webdesign.
The website is <removed>

All of a sudden all the links on the website are invisible on safari browser.
There is no problem on chrome or firefox.

The links should be in black (#000000) and blue on hover (#0000FF). For some reason, they just dissapeared on safari. Everything is fine on a chrome browser

Can someone please check the code and see what went wrong here? The site is built with a wordpress theme called suidobashi.

Thank you very much

1 antwoord

Gesponsorde links
Offline Thomas - 11/01/2017 00:55
Avatar van Thomas Moderator Links removed and topic closed. This site redirects to another dodgy site. This forum is not meant for this kind of site spam.
Gesponsorde links
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