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rss feed toont slechts enkele berichten

Offline kristof7 - 28/01/2009 09:14
Avatar van kristof7Nieuw lid Hallo,

Ik ben bezig met mijn website te veranderen en daar hoort mijn blog ook bij. Nu maakte ik hiervoor gebuik van Mybloggie maar aangezien deze weinig tot geen ondersteuning meer biedt wil ik overstappen naar wordpress met behoud van al mijn posts. Ik ben al zover dat ik de posts kan importeren via RSS maar enkel de 5 recentste worden weergegeven in wordpress en ik wil de ganse history van mybloggieposts. Hoe kan ik dit doen?

alvast bedankt

3 antwoorden

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Offline prienstra - 28/01/2009 10:05
Avatar van prienstra MySQL interesse Post eens wat codes?
Zo is je verhaal vrij beperkt?
Waarmee importeer je je blog?
Offline marten - 28/01/2009 10:16
Avatar van marten Beheerder @prienstra

Hij gebruikt Wordpress beter lezen aub!
Offline kristof7 - 28/01/2009 10:16
Avatar van kristof7 Nieuw lid
  1. <?
  2. define('IN_MYBLOGGIE', true);
  3. $mybloggie_root_path = trim('../');
  4. include_once($mybloggie_root_path.'config.php');
  5. include_once($mybloggie_root_path.'includes/db.php');
  6. include_once($mybloggie_root_path.'includes/function.php');
  8. if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
  9. $me = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
  10. $path_pieces = explode("/", $me);
  11. $trim1= array_pop($path_pieces);
  12. $trim2 = array_pop($path_pieces);
  13. $pathweb = implode("/", $path_pieces);
  14. $mybloggie_url = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$pathweb;
  15. }
  16. elseif (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
  17. $me = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
  18. $path_pieces = explode("/", $me);
  19. $trim1= array_pop($path_pieces);
  20. $trim2 = array_pop($path_pieces);
  21. $pathweb = implode("/", $path_pieces);
  22. $mybloggie_url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$pathweb;
  23. }
  25. $sql = "SELECT ".CAT_TBL.".cat_desc, ".POST_TBL.".cat_id, ".CAT_TBL.".cat_id, ".POST_TBL.".post_id, ".POST_TBL.".subject,".POST_TBL.".message, ".USER_TBL.".user, ".POST_TBL.".timestamp, ".USER_TBL.".id, ".POST_TBL.".user_id FROM ".POST_TBL.", ".USER_TBL.", ".CAT_TBL."
  26. WHERE ".POST_TBL.".user_id=".USER_TBL.".id AND ".CAT_TBL.".cat_id=".POST_TBL.".cat_id
  27. Order by ".POST_TBL.".timestamp DESC, ".POST_TBL.".post_id DESC
  28. LIMIT 0,5 ";
  30. // $sql = "SELECT ".POST_TBL.".post_id, ".POST_TBL.".subject, ".POST_TBL.".message, ".POST_TBL.".timestamp FROM ".POST_TBL."
  31. // Order by ".POST_TBL.".timestamp DESC
  32. //LIMIT 0, 5 ";
  34. if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
  35. {
  36. $sql_error = $db->sql_error();
  37. echo $sql_error['message'];
  38. }
  40. $result = $db->sql_query($sql) ;
  42. header("Content-type: application/xml");
  43. echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"windows-1250\"?".">";
  44. ?>
  45. <!-- generator="mybloggie/<? echo $mb_version ?>" -->
  46. <rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/">
  47. <channel>
  48. <title><? echo $myblogname ?></title>
  49. <link><? if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { echo "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; }
  50. elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { echo "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } ?></link>
  51. <description><? echo $blog_desc ?></description>
  52. <docs>http://backend.userland.com/rss</docs>
  53. <generator>http://mybloggie.mywebland.com/?v=<?php echo $mb_version ?></generator>
  54. <? while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)){
  55. $time = date("h:i:s a", $row['timestamp']) ;
  56. $date = date("d M Y", $row['timestamp']) ;
  57. $message=$row['message'];
  58. //filter_1($message);
  59. $message = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $message);
  60. ?>
  61. <item>
  62. <title><? echo $row['subject'] ?></title>
  63. <link><? echo $mybloggie_url."/index.php?mode=viewid&amp;post_id=".$row['post_id'] ?></link>
  64. <pubDate><? echo $date." ".$time." GMT ".$sign.$timezone ?></pubDate>
  65. <category><? echo htmlspecialchars($row['cat_desc']) ?></category>
  66. <guid><? echo $mybloggie_url."/index.php?mode=viewid&amp;post_id=".$row['post_id'] ?></guid>
  67. <description><? echo $message ?></description>
  68. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<? echo "<p>".chop_text($message, 300, 10)."...</p>" ?>]]></content:encoded>
  69. <comments><? echo $mybloggie_url."/index.php?mode=viewid&amp;post_id=".$row['post_id'] ?></comments>
  70. </item>
  71. <? } ?>
  72. </channel>
  73. </rss>

Ik importeer via Wordpress zelf en heb ook al via pluging WP-O-Matic geprobeerd... beiden geven slechts 5 posts. Maar ik denk dat het probleem in de code zit of bij Mybloggie want ook in IE krijg ik maar 5 posts.De LIMIT die in de code staat is niet de oplossing van het probleem , dit is reeds getest door deze weg te laten of te verhogen naar 500 bv maar dan werkt de code niet meer.
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