als je firefox kan je een plugin dowloaden en dan zie je rechtsonderin een x-je of een v-tje. v-tje is goed(kleur groen) en x-je is nog niet xhtml strict. en dan klik je daarop en zie je al de fouten zo gaat je werk stukken sneller.
Owja over die H3 misschien heb je er nog iets tussen gezet dus zoiets: <h3><p align="center">sdfsdasdf</h3></p> je moet dan gewoon <h3></h3> doen.
Als je firefox hebt, dan is html tidy een hele handige plugin. Ik krijg in totaal 159 fouten. 1 van de fouten is dit:
En zo zijn er denk ik wel 100 soorgelijke warnings , dit staat er als reden:
Kortom, zet je javascript in een extern .js bestand ipv in de head.
Heu, en je hebt het over de code die ik heb geplaats (dus niet over maar over , ik heb daar toch nergens een klokje gezien hoor??
Ik was trouwens van plan om het in de xhtml versie weg te laten, wat er wil is van javascript is de teller beneden.
Maar van die <h3> zal ik kijken of het juist is gedaan of niet (zou kunnen van niet)
Ok, bedankt, ik denk dat het er nu wel goed uit ziet, ik ga wel pas morgen met die tutorials beginnen (nu niet zo veel tijd )
Nu heb ik nog 8 fouten (javascript niet meegerekent), nog altijd bij h3 en 5 (niet bij 1 en 2) en bij table (maar niet altijd).
Maar nu krijg ik er ook een bij <ul>??
Hier zijn ze (moet ik die tussen error tags zetten of niet?)
Line 21, Column 13: document type does not allow element "h3" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag.
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
Line 22, Column 13: document type does not allow element "ul" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag.
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
Line 41, Column 13: document type does not allow element "h3" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag.
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
Line 51, Column 12: document type does not allow element "h3" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag.
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
Line 52, Column 37: document type does not allow element "table" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag.
<table width="80%" border="3">✉
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
Line 69, Column 11: document type does not allow element "h3" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag.
<h3>in de zomervakantie:</h3>✉
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
Line 70, Column 37: document type does not allow element "table" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag.
<table width="80%" border="3">✉
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").