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pagina word niet volledig getoont

Offline kristoff__ - 15/11/2007 19:56 (laatste wijziging 15/11/2007 20:05)
Avatar van kristoff__Nieuw lid hey iedereen

ik zit met het volgend probleem
Als ik mijn website open doe in IE dan word de pagina niet volledig getoont en in Fire fox wordt hij wel corect getoond.
Maar als je bij IE 7.0 uitzoomt met het menuutje rechts vanonder dan zie je wel heel de pagina.
Op deze pagina zie je de fout

Weet iemand waar aan dit zou kunnne liggen.



2 antwoorden

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Offline Gerard - 15/11/2007 23:02
Avatar van Gerard Ouwe rakker Hier werkt het wel gewoon.
Windows Vista Business
Internet Explorer 7.0.6000.16546
Offline vinTage - 15/11/2007 23:05 (laatste wijziging 15/11/2007 23:07)
Avatar van vinTage Nieuw lid Hier werkt het niet helemaal juist in ie, de onderkant word niet getoond.
(er hoort een randje rood te blijven aan de onderkant toch ? )

oplossing, hmzz, haal eerst die 38 fouten eruit, waarschijnlijk ben je dan al een stapje dichter.

firefox_add-on-tidy schreef:
Result: 38 fouten / 2 waarschuwingen

line 7 column 46 - Fout: document type does not allow element "META" here
line 8 column 45 - Fout: document type does not allow element "META" here
line 9 column 49 - Fout: document type does not allow element "META" here
line 10 column 40 - Fout: document type does not allow element "META" here
line 11 column 74 - Fout: document type does not allow element "META" here
line 12 column 273 - Fout: document type does not allow element "META" here
line 13 column 162 - Fout: document type does not allow element "META" here
line 14 column 68 - Fout: document type does not allow element "LINK" here
line 14 column 131 - Fout: document type does not allow element "LINK" here
line 21 column 65 - Fout: end tag for element "A" which is not open
line 24 column 6 - Fout: end tag for element "HEAD" which is not open
line 25 column 5 - Fout: document type does not allow element "BODY" here
line 33 column 59 - Fout: required attribute "ALT" not specified
line 37 column 84 - Fout: required attribute "ALT" not specified
line 48 column 11 - Fout: there is no attribute "SRC"
line 48 column 12 - Fout: element "EMBED" undefined
line 51 column 7 - Fout: end tag for element "EMBED" which is not open
line 57 column 96 - Fout: required attribute "ALT" not specified
line 67 column 92 - Fout: document type does not allow element "BR" here; assuming missing "LI" start-tag
line 69 column 98 - Fout: document type does not allow element "BR" here; assuming missing "LI" start-tag
line 71 column 137 - Fout: document type does not allow element "BR" here; assuming missing "LI" start-tag
line 73 column 59 - Fout: document type does not allow element "BR" here; assuming missing "LI" start-tag
line 75 column 73 - Fout: document type does not allow element "BR" here; assuming missing "LI" start-tag
line 77 column 42 - Fout: document type does not allow element "BR" here; assuming missing "LI" start-tag
line 80 column 5 - Fout: end tag for "UL" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
line 67 - Informatie: start tag was here
line 81 column 79 - Fout: required attribute "ALT" not specified
line 82 column 64 - Fout: required attribute "ALT" not specified
line 83 column 64 - Fout: required attribute "ALT" not specified
line 85 column 9 - Fout: ID "INHOUD_PAGINAS" already defined
line 61 column 9 - Informatie: ID "INHOUD_PAGINAS" first defined here
line 85 column 60 - Waarschuwing: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selectie"
line 85 column 60 - Fout: general entity "selectie" not defined and no default entity
line 85 column 68 - Fout: reference to entity "selectie" for which no system identifier could be generated
line 85 column 59 - Informatie: entity was defined here
line 85 column 74 - Waarschuwing: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "taal"
line 85 column 74 - Fout: general entity "taal" not defined and no default entity
line 85 column 78 - Fout: reference to entity "taal" for which no system identifier could be generated
line 85 column 73 - Informatie: entity was defined here
line 85 column 130 - Fout: document type does not allow element "A" here
line 85 column 136 - Fout: end tag for "A" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
line 85 column 128 - Informatie: start tag was here
line 85 column 136 - Fout: end tag for "A" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
line 85 column 25 - Informatie: start tag was here
line 93 column 4 - Fout: end tag for "DIV" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
line 58 column 1 - Informatie: start tag was here
line 93 column 4 - Fout: end tag for "DIV" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
line 29 - Informatie: start tag was here
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