Option Explicit
' File: killProcess.vbs
' Updated: Nov 2002
' Version: 1.0
' Author: Dan Thomson, myITforum.com columnist
' I can be contacted at dethomson@hotmail.com
' Usage: The command processor version must be run using cscript
' cscript vbsWaitForProcess.vbs notepad.exe 60 S
' or
' The IE and Popup versions can be run with cscript or wscript
' wscript vbsWaitForProcess.vbs notepad.exe -1
' Input: Name of executable (ex: notepad.exe)
' Time to wait in seconds before terminating the executable
' -1 waits indefinitely for the process to finish
' 0 terminates the process imediately
' Any value > 0 will cause the script to wait the specified amount
' of
time in seconds berfore terminating the process
' Silent mode (S)
' Notes:
On Error Resume Next
Dim strProcess
Dim intWaitTime
Dim strSilent
'Get the command line arguments
strProcess = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
intWaitTime = CInt(Wscript.Arguments.Item(1))
strSilent = Wscript.Arguments.Item(2)
Call WaitForProcess (strProcess, intWaitTime, strSilent)
' Function: ProcessIsRunning
' Purpose: Determine if a process is running
' Input: Name of process
' Output: True or False depending on if the process is running
Private Function ProcessIsRunning( strProcess )
Dim colProcessList
Set colProcessList
= Getobject
_ ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name ='" & strProcess & "'")
If colProcessList
.Count > 0 Then
ProcessIsRunning = True
ProcessIsRunning = False
Set colProcessList = Nothing
' Function: TerminateProcess
' Purpose: Terminates a process
' Input: Name of process
Private Function ProcessTerminate( strProcess )
Dim colProcessList, objProcess
Set colProcessList = GetObject("Winmgmts:").ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name ='" & strProcess & "'")
For Each objProcess in colProcessList
Set colProcessList = Nothing
End Function
' Sub: WaitForProcess
' Purpose: Waits for a process
' Input: Name of process
' Wait time in seconds before termination.
' -1 will cause the script to wait indefinitely
' 0 terminates the process imediately
' Any value > 0 will cause the script to wait the specified amount
' of time in seconds berfore terminating the process
' Display mode.
' Passing S will run the script silent and not show any prompts
' Output: On screen status
' Notes: This version uses WshShell.Popup for user messages
Private Sub WaitForProcess( strProcess, intWaitTime, strMode )
If ProcessIsRunning(strProcess) Then
Dim objWshShell
Dim c : c = 0
Dim w : w = 0
Dim strPrompt
Dim intPopupTimer : intPopupTimer = 2
Dim intPause : intPause = 1
strPrompt = "Waiting for " & strProcess & " to finish."
'If not running silent, create reference to objWshShell
'This will be used for the user messages
If UCase(strMode) <> "S" Then _
Set objWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Loop while the process is running
Do While ProcessIsRunning(strProcess)
'Check to see if specified # of seconds have passed before terminating
'the process. If yes, then terminate the process
If w >= intWaitTime AND intWaitTime >= 0 Then
Call ProcessTerminate(strProcess)
'If not running silent, post user prompt
If UCase(strMode) <> "S" Then
objWshShell.Popup strPrompt & String(c, "."), intPopupTimer, "WaitForProcess", 64
'Increment the counter.
'Reset the counter indicator if it's > 25 because
'we don't want it taking up a lot of screen space.
If c > 25 Then c = 1 Else c = c + 1
'Increment the seconds counter
w = w + intPause + intPopupTimer
* 1000) Loop
Set objWshShell = Nothing