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BlueQuartz control panel

Offline Wim - 11/03/2005 22:31
Avatar van WimCrew algemeen Hallo iedereen,

Ik ben op mijn thuisserver BlueQuartz (een control panel) aan het installeren.

Uiteraard zou ik geen forum topic openen als alles werkt........... daarom mijn vraagje:

Weet iemand wat hier verkeerd gaat:

ZONDER -m flag:
[root@Tirex BlueQuartz-5100R-20040317]# ./install.sh script

[Phase 1 : checking intalled RPMS...]

[httpd] is installed.
[bind] is installed.
[openssh] is installed.
[telnet-server] is installed.
[expect] is installed.
[perl-DB_File] is installed.

repquota: Quota file not found or has wrong format.
repquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
quotacheck: Cannot remount filesystem mounted on /home read-only so counted valu
es might not be right.
Please stop all programs writing to filesystem or use -m flag to force checking.
quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /home [/dev/hdc1] to turn quotas on/off.
quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /home [/dev/hdc1] to turn quotas on/off.
repquota: Quota file not found or has wrong format.
repquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
** ERROR **
/home partition does not set quota.
Please edit /etc/fstab like follows and execute the follows commands.

LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 2

# /bin/mount -o remount /home
# /sbin/quotacheck -c -u -g -a
# /sbin/quotaon -aug

MET -m flag:
[root@Tirex BlueQuartz-5100R-20040317]# ./install.sh -m script

[Phase 1 : checking intalled RPMS...]

[httpd] is installed.
[bind] is installed.
[openssh] is installed.
[telnet-server] is installed.
[expect] is installed.
[perl-DB_File] is installed.

repquota: Quota file not found or has wrong format.
repquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
quotacheck: Cannot remount filesystem mounted on /home read-only so counted values might not be right.
Please stop all programs writing to filesystem or use -m flag to force checking.
quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /home [/dev/hdc1] to turn quotas on/off.
quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /home [/dev/hdc1] to turn quotas on/off.
repquota: Quota file not found or has wrong format.
repquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
** ERROR **
/home partition does not set quota.
Please edit /etc/fstab like follows and execute the follows commands.

LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 2

# /bin/mount -o remount /home
# /sbin/quotacheck -c -u -g -a
# /sbin/quotaon -aug

Website van BlueQuartz: http://bluequartz.org/

Wim Mariën

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