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Offline Marly - 03/12/2004 20:06 (laatste wijziging 03/12/2004 20:08)
Avatar van MarlyHTML interesse
To enable cheats without entering them, open your "options" file located in your savegame folder (c:Colin2005SG) with a hexeditor. Go to location "Ch" - this is the 13th position from the beginnig of the file and overwrite with "FF FF". Go to location "10h", this is the 16th position from the beginning of the file and overwrite with "FF FF".

Now you have all cars, tracks and even the secret "mirror mode" activated! Overwrite both hex positions with "FF" only if you do not want the mirror mode. Overwrite with "FF FF FF" to get small RC Cars!


Wie weet wat ik hier moet doen snap het niet.
En wat is een goede Hex Editor?
Ik gebruik nu XVI32. Maar die snap ik niet.

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