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IRPG website

Offline SlashDotCom - 23/04/2005 18:08
Avatar van SlashDotComLid hello, jullie kennen het IRPG spel wel denk ik.
Nu heb ik dat zelf ook en ook die website.
maar daar krijg ik een paar errors

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imageCreate() in /home/flux/public_html/ddrpg/makeworldmap.php on line 14

  1. makeworldmap.php<?
  2. session_start(); // sessions to generate only one map / person / 20s
  3. include("config.php");
  4. $file = fopen($irpg_db,"r");
  5. fgets($file);
  8. if (isset($_SESSION['time']) && time()-$_SESSION['time'] < 20) {
  9. header("Location: maperror.png");
  10. exit(0);
  11. }
  12. $_SESSION['time']=time();
  14. $map = imageCreate(500,500);
  15. $magenta = ImageColorAllocate($map, 255, 0, 255);
  16. $blue = imageColorAllocate($map, 0, 128, 255);
  17. $red = imageColorAllocate($map, 211, 0, 0);
  18. ImageColorTransparent($map, $magenta);
  19. while ($line=fgets($file)) {
  20. list(,,,,,,,,$online,,$x,$y) = explode("\t",trim($line));
  21. if ($online == 1) imageFilledEllipse($map, $x, $y, 3, 3, $blue);
  22. else imageFilledEllipse($map, $x, $y, 3, 3, $red);
  23. }
  24. header("Content-type: image/png");
  25. imagePNG($map);
  26. imageDestroy($map);
  27. ?>

Warning: fopen(hits.db) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/flux/public_html/ddrpg/footer.php on line 8
Error: could not open file hits.db. 236 hits since Jul 13, 2004
Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/flux/public_html/ddrpg/footer.php on line 29

  1. footer.php
  2. <?php
  3. $hits = file("hits.db");
  4. $fp = fopen("hits.db", "w");
  5. $thispage = explode("/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
  6. $thispage = array_pop($thispage);
  7. if ($fp == false) {
  8. echo "Error: could not open file hits.db.";
  9. }
  10. foreach ($hits as $line) {
  11. list($page,$numhits,$date) = explode("\t",trim($line));
  12. if ($page == $thispage) {
  13. ++$numhits;
  14. echo " $numhits hits since $date";
  15. $found = 1;
  16. }
  17. if ($fp) {
  18. fwrite($fp,"$page\t$numhits\t$date\n");
  19. }
  20. }
  21. if (!$found && $fp) {
  22. echo " 1 hit since ".date("M j, Y",time());
  23. fwrite($fp,$thispage."\t1\t".date("M j, Y",time())."\n");
  24. }
  25. fclose($fp);
  26. ?>

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imageCreate() in /home/flux/public_html/ddrpg/makemap.php on line 9

  1. makemap.php
  2. <?
  3. include("config.php");
  4. session_start(); // sessions to generate only one map / person / 20s
  5. if (isset($_SESSION['time']) && time()-$_SESSION['time'] < 20) {
  6. header("Location: maperror.png");
  7. exit(0);
  8. }
  9. $_SESSION['time']=time();
  10. $map = imageCreate(500,500);
  12. $user = substr($_GET['player'],0,30);
  14. $stringx=$stringy=-1;
  16. $file = file($irpg_db);
  17. unset($file[0]);
  19. foreach ($file as $line) {
  20. list($username,,,,,,,,,,$x,$y) = explode("\t",trim($line));
  21. if ($username == $user) {
  22. $stringx = $x;
  23. $stringy = $y;
  24. break;
  25. }
  26. }
  27. if ($stringx == $stringy && $stringx == -1) {
  28. imageString($map,5,200,245,"NO SUCH USER",imagecolorallocate($map,255,0,0));
  29. }
  30. else {
  31. $width = imageFontWidth(5);
  32. $height = imageFontHeight(5);
  33. if ($x+((strlen($user)+1)*$width) > 500) {
  34. $stringx = $x - ((strlen($user)+1)*$width)-12;
  35. }
  36. if ($y+$height > 500) {
  37. $stringy = $y - ($height/2)-2;
  38. }
  39. $magenta = imageColorAllocate($map,255,0,255);
  40. imageColorTransparent($map,$magenta);
  41. $brown = imagecolorallocate($map, 102, 51, 0);
  42. $parchment = imagecolorallocate($map, 255, 255, 204);
  44. // Avoid drawing a brown dot on a brown area
  45. $rgb = imageColorAt($map, $x, $y);
  46. if ($rgb > 0) { // $rgb is 0 on our parchment-colored areas
  47. $temp = $brown;
  48. $brown = $parchment;
  49. $parchment = $temp;
  50. }
  51. // YOU ARE HERE
  52. imageFilledEllipse($map, $x, $y, 6, 6, $brown);
  53. // background for text
  54. imageFilledRectangle($map,$stringx+6,$stringy-($height/2),$stringx+6+$width*(strlen($user)+1),$stringy+($height/2),$brown);
  55. // text itself
  56. imageString($map,5,$stringx+7+($width/2),$stringy-($height/2)-1,$user,$parchment);
  57. }
  58. header("Content-type: image/png");
  59. imagePNG($map);
  60. imageDestroy($map);
  61. ?>

3 antwoorden

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Offline Geerios - 23/04/2005 18:21 (laatste wijziging 23/04/2005 18:21)
Avatar van Geerios Onbekend Heb je heb zelf gemaakt???
Zo nee vraag aan de maker wat de fouten zijn.
Zo ja als er toch al een script van is, waarom maak je hem dan zelf?
Offline SlashDotCom - 23/04/2005 18:28
Avatar van SlashDotCom Lid kheb dit zelf niet gemaakt, en de maker ervan gaat 99% niet antwoorden.
Offline Rens - 23/04/2005 18:34
Avatar van Rens Gouden medaille

Crew algemeen
Je hebt geen GD Library (aan staan) op je server.
Zie php.net voor meer informatie.

GD Library is een .dll bestand, dat in php/extensions staat.
Je kunt het activeren in php.ini door eerst dit te zoeken:

; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
extension_dir = "C:/path/naar/php/extensions/"

Die zet je naar je extensions map.

Vervolgens zoek je:

en haal je de ; weg.

Even php.ini opslaan, en apache herstarten.
Dan zou het moeten werken:D
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