Lid |
dit is de code ik weet niet wat er allemaal verkeerd in staat maar hij geeft geen rooms aanrnrnrnrnrn[code]rnrnrn################ VSIRC Roomlister v1.0 ################rnIRC Roomlister..rnThis script is created by M.Kollaard and M.D.BakkerrnFor information you can always send a email torn( or ( (c) 2003-2008 VSNetworks©rnWhen you modify the contents in this scriptrnPlease Add THe Copyrights Line..rnHave Fun with it...rn################ VSIRC ServiceBot v1.2 ################rnrnrnset_time_limit(off);rn$botnick = Ende;rn$server =;rn$port = 6669;rn$channel = [sitemasters];rnrnhtmlrnrnheadrnmeta http-equiv=Content-Language content=nlrnmeta name=GENERATOR content=Microsoft FrontPage 5.0rnmeta name=ProgId content=FrontPage.Editor.Documentrnmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=texthtml; charset=windows-1252rntitleNew Page 1titlernheadrnrnbodyrnrnp#=stripslashes($channel);prntable border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse collapse bordercolor=#111111 width=100% id=AutoNumber1rntrrntd width=8% bgcolor=#00CCFF Userstdrntd width=15% bgcolor=#00CCFF Roomnametdrntd width=77% bgcolor=#00CCFF Topictdrntrrnrnrn$fp = fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);rnif (!$fp) {rnecho $errstr ($errno)br n;rn} else {rnfputs($fp,USER $botnick $botnick phpn);rn$rand = rand(1, 9);rn$nick = $botnick . ($rand 10000);rnfputs($fp,NICK $nickn);rnwhile (!feof($fp)) {rnusleep(50);rn$fget = @fgets($fp, 128);rnecho $fget brn;rn$match = explode( , $fget);rn$fget = ereg_replace (n, , $fget);rn$fget = ereg_replace (r, , $fget);rnif ($match[1] == 001) {rnfputs($fp,LISTn);rnrn} else if ($match[0] == PING) {rnfputs($fp, PONG . $match[1]);rn} else if ($match[1] == 433) {rn$rand = rand(1, 9);rn$nick = $botnick . ($rand 10000);rnfputs($fp,NICK $nickn);rn} else if ($match[1] == 323) {rnfputs($fp, QUIT bye!n);rnbreak;rn} else if ($match[1] == 322) {rn$match[3] = ereg_replace (#, , $match[3]);rnif (eregi ($channel(.), $match[3], $chan)) {rn$topic = explode(, $fget);rnunset($topic[0]);rnunset($topic[1]);rn$topic = implode(, $topic);rn$topic = explode( , $topic);rnunset($topic[0]);rn$topic = implode( , $topic);rnif ($color == FFFFCC) { $color = FFFFFF; } else { $color = FFFFCC; }rnrntrrntd width=8% bgcolor=#=$color =$match[4]; tdrntd width=15% bgcolor=#=$color a href=chat.phpcatagory=JF&room==$chan[1]; =$chan[1]; atdrntd width=77% bgcolor=#=$color =$topic;tdrntrrnrn}rn}rn}rnfclose($fp);rn}rnrnrntablernrnbodyrnrnhtml[code] |