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chmod 777 (Opgelost)

Offline larssy1 - 10/11/2007 02:09
Avatar van larssy1MySQL beginner Hoi mensen,

ik ben bezig met een EVE online killboard op te zetten. maar nukrijg ik deze error:

Directory structure
I cannot write into ../cache, you need to fix that for me before you can continue.
Please issue a "chmod 777 ../cache" and "chmod 777 ../cache/*" on the commandline inside of this directory

Maar ik weet niet hoe dit op te lossen.. ik neem aan door te chmodden naar 777,, maar hoe doe ik dat??


2 antwoorden

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Offline mitshell - 10/11/2007 02:38
Avatar van mitshell Nieuw lid Heb je al gekeken bij je ftp programma?
als het goed is kan je daar chmodden
Offline larssy1 - 10/11/2007 02:39 (laatste wijziging 10/11/2007 02:52)
Avatar van larssy1 MySQL beginner ja zag het.. moest rechterklik de cache folder.. en dan gewoon ook bij alle gebruikers een vinkje zetten onder schrijven.. 

deze errors krijg ik nu:
  1. Warning: Smarty error: problem writing temporary file './cache/templates_c/wrt47350e3d1ed97' in /mounted-storage/home75b/sub009/sc43064-QYEE/www/killboard/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1095
  3. Warning: Smarty::include() [function.Smarty-include]: Unable to access ./cache/templates_c/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php in /mounted-storage/home75b/sub009/sc43064-QYEE/www/killboard/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1258
  5. Warning: Smarty::include(./cache/templates_c/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php) [function.Smarty-include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mounted-storage/home75b/sub009/sc43064-QYEE/www/killboard/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1258
  7. Warning: Smarty::include() [function.Smarty-include]: Unable to access ./cache/templates_c/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php in /mounted-storage/home75b/sub009/sc43064-QYEE/www/killboard/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1258
  9. Warning: Smarty::include(./cache/templates_c/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php) [function.Smarty-include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mounted-storage/home75b/sub009/sc43064-QYEE/www/killboard/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1258
  11. Warning: Smarty::include() [function.include]: Failed opening './cache/templates_c/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php/') in /mounted-storage/home75b/sub009/sc43064-QYEE/www/killboard/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1258
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