PHP interesse |
Ik heb een fotoupload scriptje,
echter er zit een klein probleempje in.
Hoe vervang ik de spaties in de filenames door b.v. een _ ?
Weet iemand hier een oplossing voor ?
include 'includes/';
include $language_path.'/uitloggen.lng.php';
include 'includes/';
$tpl = new TemplatePower($template_path.'/fotoupload.tpl');
$tpl->assignInclude('header', $template_path.'/header.tpl');
$tpl->assignInclude('menu', $template_path.'/menu.tpl');
$tpl->assignInclude('footer', $template_path.'/footer.tpl');
include 'includes/';
if ($ingelogd == 0) header('Location: index.php');
$mapnaam = "memberfotos/".$memberid."/fotos/";
$actie = $_POST['actie'];
if ($actie == "upload") {
$extensions = array();
$extensions['ext'][] = "image/gif";
$extensions['ext'][] = "image/jpg";
$extensions['ext'][] = "image/jpeg";
$extensions['ext'][] = "image/pjpeg";
$extensions['ext'][] = "image/png";
$extensions['ext'][] = "image/x-png";
if(in_array($_FILES['foto']['type'], $extensions['ext'])) {
if($_FILES['foto']['size'] > 1048576) {
$tpl->assign('foutmelding','Uw bestand is meer als 1 MB (1024 KB)!<br>Klik <a href="javascript:history.back(1)<br>">hier</a> om terug te gaan!');
} else {
if($_FILES['file']['type'] == "image/gif") {
$ext = ".gif";
} elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/jpg") {
$ext = ".jpg";
} elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/jpeg") {
$ext = ".jpg";
} elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/pjpeg") {
$ext = ".jpg";
} elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/png") {
$ext = ".png";
} elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/x-png") {
$ext = ".png";
if(file_exists($mapnaam.$_FILES['foto']['name'])) {
if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['foto']['tmp_name'])) {
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['foto']['tmp_name'], $mapnaam.$_FILES['foto']['name']);
mysql_query("UPDATE leden SET bewerkdatum = '$site_dag', bewerktijd = '$site_tijd' WHERE id = '$id'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO fotos (id, userid, filename, tekst) VALUES ('','$memberid','".$_FILES['foto']['name']."','')");
$tpl->assign('melding','Uw bestand is succesvol geupload!');
header("Location: fotoalbum.php");
} else {
$tpl->assign('foutmelding','Er is iets fout gegaan tijdens het uploaden!<br>
Probeert het nogmaals..<br>
Klik <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">hier</a> om terug te gaan!');
} else {
$tpl->assign('foutmelding','Er is een bestand gekozen dat niet de extensie .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png of .bmp heeft!<br>
Klik <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">hier</a> om terug te gaan!<br>
} else {
<? include 'includes/'; include $language_path.'/uitloggen.lng.php'; include 'includes/'; $tpl = new TemplatePower($template_path.'/fotoupload.tpl'); $tpl->assignInclude('header', $template_path.'/header.tpl'); $tpl->assignInclude('menu', $template_path.'/menu.tpl'); $tpl->assignInclude('footer', $template_path.'/footer.tpl'); $tpl->prepare(); include 'includes/'; if ($ingelogd == 0) header('Location: index.php'); $mapnaam = "memberfotos/".$memberid."/fotos/"; $actie = $_POST['actie']; if ($actie == "upload") { $extensions['ext'][] = "image/gif"; $extensions['ext'][] = "image/jpg"; $extensions['ext'][] = "image/jpeg"; $extensions['ext'][] = "image/pjpeg"; $extensions['ext'][] = "image/png"; $extensions['ext'][] = "image/x-png"; if(in_array($_FILES['foto']['type'], $extensions['ext'])) { if($_FILES['foto']['size'] > 1048576) { $tpl->newBlock('fout'); $tpl->assign('foutmelding','Uw bestand is meer als 1 MB (1024 KB)!<br>Klik <a href="javascript:history.back(1)<br>">hier</a> om terug te gaan!'); } else { if($_FILES['file']['type'] == "image/gif") { $ext = ".gif"; } elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/jpg") { $ext = ".jpg"; } elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/jpeg") { $ext = ".jpg"; } elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/pjpeg") { $ext = ".jpg"; } elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/png") { $ext = ".png"; } elseif($_FILES['foto']['type'] == "image/x-png") { $ext = ".png"; } unlink($mapnaam.$_FILES['foto']['name']); } mysql_query("UPDATE leden SET bewerkdatum = '$site_dag', bewerktijd = '$site_tijd' WHERE id = '$id'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO fotos (id, userid, filename, tekst) VALUES ('','$memberid','".$_FILES['foto']['name']."','')"); $tpl->newBlock('gelukt'); $tpl->assign('melding','Uw bestand is succesvol geupload!'); header("Location: fotoalbum.php"); } else { $tpl->newBlock('fout'); $tpl->assign('foutmelding','Er is iets fout gegaan tijdens het uploaden!<br> Probeert het nogmaals..<br> Klik <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">hier</a> om terug te gaan!'); } } } else { $tpl->newBlock('fout'); $tpl->assign('foutmelding','Er is een bestand gekozen dat niet de extensie .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png of .bmp heeft!<br> Klik <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">hier</a> om terug te gaan!<br> <br>'); } } else { } $tpl->PrintToScreen(); ?>