HTML beginner |
Ik heb nu een stukje code om een mail te sturen, hierin doe ik de opmaak in HTML defineëren. Kijk maar even:
$aText = '<b>Activation of your acount - '.$username.'<br />';
$aText .= 'Your username is <i>'.$username.'</i><br>';
$aText .= 'Your password is <i>'.$rPassword.'</i><br>';
$aText .= 'Your activation key is <i>'.$aKey.'</i><br>';
$aText .= 'You can activate your acount at this url: <a href="'.$ID.'&key='.$aKey.'">'.$ID.'&key='.$aKey.'</a>';
$aText .= 'But you can also login to your acount settings, and paste the key in the right field.<br><br><hr>';
$aText .= 'The team';
mail($email, 'Activation key - '.$username.'', $aText, 'From:');
$aText = '<b>Activation of your acount - '.$username.'<br />'; $aText .= 'Your username is <i>'.$username.'</i><br>'; $aText .= 'Your password is <i>'.$rPassword.'</i><br>'; $aText .= 'Your activation key is <i>'.$aKey.'</i><br>'; $aText .= 'You can activate your acount at this url: <a href="'.$ID.'&key='.$aKey.'">'.$ID.'&key='.$aKey.'</a>'; $aText .= 'But you can also login to your acount settings, and paste the key in the right field.<br><br><hr>'; $aText .= 'The team'; mail($email, 'Activation key - '.$username.'', $aText, 'From:');
Maar als ik dan het mailtje naar mij, op m'n hotmail, laat sturen, krijg ik:
Citaat: 'Your username is <i>ThAlmighty</i><br>
Mijn vraag:
Hoe krijg ik toch die HTML opmaak erdoorheen?