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cute news

Offline jjajaxjood - 25/10/2005 14:00
Avatar van jjajaxjoodNieuw lid wie heeft hier ervaring met cute news en kan mij helpen?

3 antwoorden

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Offline XenoX - 25/10/2005 14:35
Avatar van XenoX Gouden medailleGouden medaille

PHP expert
Vertel ons eerst eens wat je probleem is.
Offline jjajaxjood - 25/10/2005 14:43
Avatar van jjajaxjood Nieuw lid Now will examine the situation when you want to use more than one include on a single page. For example if you want to show 5 headlines (using template headlines) and below them to be shown all other news. The problem in this situatuion situation is that when you click on a headline CuteNews won't understand where to show the result, on the headlines part or where all other news are included. The solution is to use the variable = TRUE; before including the headlines. When you use this variable CuteNews won't display any result on the place where you use .
Here is the correct code of the above example with the headlines and news:
Our Latest 5 Headlines:
$static = TRUE;
$number = "5";
$template = "Headlines";

The News
Now When you click on a headline it will be displayed on the place of the other news and the list with the latest 5 headlines will still be showed.

Make some test with $static = TRUE; yourself to understand how it works exactly and how powerful it can be.

deze code moet ik ergens neer zetten maar ik weet niet waar of hoe?
Offline Gerard - 25/10/2005 15:54
Avatar van Gerard Ouwe rakker daar waar je het nieuws wil includen
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